Marlen Haas, Secretary General of Socialist International Women organization, condemned the Azeri women who make a national hero out of Ramil Safarov, murderer of Gourgen Margarian, Armenian officer, at today's press conference in Yerevan
ArmInfo reported. 
Ramil Safarov Has Been Proclaimed
“Man of the Year” in Azerbaijan, and he was honored with this title for beheading the sleeping Armenian lieutenant
"Gurgen Margaryan" with an axe.
worth mentioning, that former Minister of Internal Affairs of Azerbaijan Iskander Hamidov had persistently insisted on honoring the Azeri murderer and said:
“I don’t care how Safarov killed the Armenian officer. The more Azeris kill Armenians, the less Armenians there will be. If every Azeri soldier had killed an Armenian the war would have ended with the victory of Azerbaijan”.
These monstrous words,
PanArmenian news noted, need no comments. It should only be mentioned that they belong to a person who has been a very important figure in the government of Azerbaijan and up to now represents the viewpoint of a considerable part of Azeri society and political elite. It should also be mentioned that Hamidov’s point of view is quite popular in the Azeri parliament where there are several committees supporting Ramil Safarov.
Honoring the Azri axe murderers like that, was perhaps the most vivid expression of anti-Armenian hysteria, which currently reigns in Azerbaijan